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by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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If you ask my mom what are the most important things about her children’s education, 她会告诉你三件事:数学, 科学, 宝博体育. 从我五岁开始, 我妈妈总是告诉我, “当你上大学时,你将在国外学习. You can go anywhere in the world, but you need to go out and travel." Well, fifteen years later and I am now spending my second year of college 在都柏林留学、爱尔兰.

我第一次看到都柏林、爱尔兰 out of the plane window I knew I was not only home, but about to embark on a life changing adventure.

 "My daughter has been drinking tea since she could
用吸管杯喝水,”我妈妈曾经说过. 的确,
I do drink tea everyday with breakfast and now even more.

我独自旅行,边走边学习. 穿过机场, I felt more confident in myself and my actions than I expected, every step and turn around the corner I made felt natural. I was greeted and picked up at the airport by a very nice woman named Susie holding a 东航 sign. Susie greeted me with a warm smile and an accent I am about to grow accustomed. My first few days in 都柏林 have been spent in awe and exhaustion, adjusting to my new environment and meeting my fellow program mates. Running on three hours of sleep in the first thirty-six hours, 我的身心都落后了6个小时, 渴望一张床和睡眠, 但我太兴奋了.


We rose bright and early to tour 都柏林 the next day. Starting in the city centre (this is how we refer to downtown 都柏林), we walked along the north side of the River Liffey that runs through 都柏林. When it came time to cross over one of the many bridges, we were told the tale of how the Ha'penny Bridge earned its name. 很久以前, in 1816 there was a tax to cross the bridge and get to the other side (One penny per person). The tax was implemented at the time to help pay for the construction of the bridge. 在过桥的时候, I noticed several locks were attached and scattered all over the bridge rails, the locks represent couples who come to lock their love to the bridge, 然后把钥匙扔进利菲河. Fun fact: the City Council is trying to stop the love lock fad because the weight of both the locks and people is affecting the bridge's structure. 为了阻止这一切, They are offering free workshops at universities to teach people how to pick locks, in hopes they will take a lock down when they see it on the bridge!

I've decided to have a “say yes” attitude while here in 都柏林, to new food and opportunities. I have chosen to let other people order for me on the menu, so I can try something I might not normally pick! My first "say yes" experience was with seafood chowder at Oscar's. The soup was absolutely scrumptious and filled with everything from salmon to muscles. 当女主人端上汤的时候, the chowder had an unusual aroma to it from the muscle shells they had left in the chowder. While the aroma was different than I expected, the food was the complete opposite. Each bite was filled with a soft bite of heaven and a new fish, I highly recommend!
 火鸡 & 鳄梨酱三明治配三份迷你沙拉!

The food, people, architecture, and culture have all been a dream. I still have to pinch myself when I wake up in the morning. When I wake up in the morning I get to look out the window at a whole new world that is just waiting to be explored. I already want to stay longer than just a semester.

维多利亚K. is the Fall 2016 东航 MOJO 博客ger in 都柏林、爱尔兰. She is currently in her second year studying 市场营销 and 会计 at the University of Southern Indiana.

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