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Enjoying Nature While Studying Abroad - My Experience Outdoors

by 斯蒂芬妮费尔南德斯
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我热爱大自然,一直都是. 来自加州的一所学校, 我有很多我经常去的地方, but I was excited to see what 自然 is like in other countries!  

当我穿越世界来到 宝博体育 in 巴塞罗那, I knew that I wanted to see as many beautiful natural spots as possible of each country that I traveled to. Throughout my time traveling, I captured places that look almost unreal. 

In Tossa de Mar, located in Costa Brava just north of 巴塞罗那, I went on a sunrise hike. On my walk, I came across a beautiful view of the big mountains, the ocean, and the sunrise. In the distance, there were even people swimming in the little cove.



Then, in Mallorca, I went up into the mountains to see 的绿色植物 of such a magical island. I was surprised to see how big and vast the mountains were, which I really appreciated. There were also many great swimming spots with blue, clear water. 



在马略卡岛的海岸, we could see many people enjoying swimming in the clear blue water with the mountains surrounding them. 这的确是一个值得记住的地方.



In Mallorca, my friends and I took a bus tour up through the vast mountains on the island. 在山顶,我们休息了一下. We looked up at the outstanding scenery and appreciate the moment.



在我们攀登马略卡岛山脉的旅途中, 的绿色植物, 天空, 还有云彩, 所有这些都让这次旅行变得特别. Taking one look out of our bus window, we were left in awe.

While studying abroad in 巴塞罗那, I could be close to the beach. I often ventured out to Barceloneta beach to watch the sunset. At this beach, there's also a view of the city.   



Watching the sunset at the Barceloneta beach was one of my favorite ways to end the day. Moments like this reminded me how lucky I was to 宝博体育 in a place with such great natural aspects.


On my journey to 德国 I was blessed to see the sunset on the Swiss Alps. 这是一幅令人难忘的景象!


While I was on a flight to 德国, I looked out my window to see the sunset over the Swiss Alps. 多么美的景色啊!

In Munich, there were many little parks along the riverside that I got to enjoy. I came across a fountain, many trees, and park benches to sit in.  


In Munich, 德国, I walked through the riverside. I fell in love with the colors of the fall leaves.

A fountain with a statue in the middle of a park

Munich park with a fountain, surrounded by beautiful tall trees.

In this park in Munich there was a fountain surrounded by beautiful tall trees. I took a moment to sit on a bench there and journaled about my travels during 宝博体育.

In 爱尔兰都柏林, I spent a lot of time in Saint Stephen’s Green which is a popular park in the city. I saw many different birds, including swans, that I captured in photos.


In Saint Stephen’s Green, in 都柏林, I went out for a walk. I saw this big swan sitting on the grass and had to capture it with my camera!

Here there were also many big trees which were beautiful to see especially during this fall season.  

A group of people walking on a path with a tree

The natural beauty in Saint Stephen’s Green was out of this world! Everyone was enjoying a walk through this park.

The natural beauty I experienced during studying abroad is unlike anything else. I’m so happy and grateful I got to explore such beautiful places while capturing them with my camera! 


斯蒂芬妮费尔南德斯 校友大使在巴塞罗那吗, 西班牙, and is currently studying at California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo.
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