




A Career in International 教育 - CEA CAPA职员's Advice

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Celebrating 背影 2022: International 教育 Career Opportunities and Advice

欢迎来到的第2部分 国际教育周(背影). In celebration, CEA CAPA is highlighting the benefits of working in education abroad. In 第1部分, we asked our colleagues what inspired them to pursue a 职业生涯 in international education. Now, we're asking what advice they’d share with students interested in study abroad 职业生涯s. We hope their advice inspires the next generation of students interested in working in the field of study abroad.  


We asked: What advice would you share with students interested in pursuing a 职业生涯 in the field of international education? CEA CAPA回答道...  


追随你的兴趣, don't be afraid to try out different things in the first few years out of college, 不要停下来. Each experience will take you one step closer to your dream 职业生涯. 


跳进去. 我们的世界需要这块地,所以我们需要你们! 

Derek Shepard, Regional Director Southwest, Fort Worth, TX 

要无所畏惧,保持好奇心. Those skills you developed while studying abroad are ones that you will use in your adult life and throughout your 职业生涯. 

Kya Crocker,招生顾问,凤凰城,亚利桑那州

There is a definite need for more international educators. 世界在不断变化, countries are becoming more and more interdependent on each other, 人们可以再次看到这个世界. 我们正处在一个很容易遇到外国人的时代! 以尊重和同情的态度对待他们, people need to have an understanding about other countries and their cultures, 语言, 以及不同的生活方式. We as educators can teach this through our own experiences. If this is something that resonates with you, then this is the perfect field for you! 教育是变革的工具,它掌握在我们手中! 

Dr. Michael Punter, Director of Theater 教育, 伦敦, 英格兰 

这样做! 你永远不会后悔的. I have a student in class right now who was nervous in week one and nearly went home, 但我们支持她,现在她飞起来了! It's a rite of passage and it will make you stronger and smarter in every way. To help students get to that point is a real privilege and you always feel like you're making a difference. 

Whitney Sherman, Academic Affairs Manager, Grand Rapids, MI 

Identify the top skills you've acquired during your intercultural experiences. Be able to tell your study abroad story and translate it into results. 

josise Balza,宝博体育运营经理,俄亥俄州哥伦布市  

愿意说出你的想法, 展现真实的自己, 为你自己和你的团队辩护. It’s important to know that you are affecting someone's life, 很多时候一个年轻人的生命, 对于你在工作中所做的每一个选择——所以要聪明, 多运用批判性思维, 问问题, 学会如何向上管理, 信任你的同事, 不断地自我教育. 

Randeep Kullar, 机构al Relations Manager, Sacramento, CA

首先也是最重要的, you don't need to have studied abroad in order to work in international education. 事实上, 22年11月的一项调查显示.6% of CEA CAPA respondents have not studied or interned abroad. This is a huge misconception that even the field of study abroad needs to get past. International education is a microcosm of a variety of roles that require various skills. 如果你愿意了解自己需要哪些技能, 重视跨文化经验和能力, 那就有你的位置了. 

Megan Randall, Career Development Manager for 宝博体育 Abroad, Phoenix, AZ  

International education has a place for everyone, of every identity, background, and culture. What I love most about the field of international education is that I feel like the whole world comes to me every day, 这是一种我无法形容的祝福. I am beyond lucky to work with so many incredible international colleagues from countries all over the world in my daily work. I learn so much about myself, my colleagues, and where we have come from and where we live and work. It's incredibly rewarding to work with so many individuals from so many different perspectives. The similarities and differences we share enrich our work, and our lives, day-to-day. 


Take advantage of all the opportunities presented to you and allow yourself to have fun while you grow and change through this experience! I also recommend trying to embrace and learn as much about the local culture as possible. It's so easy to stay in your comfort zone while abroad and not truly connect to the local culture and day-to-day life but getting involved like a local can take your experience abroad to the next level! 

Interested in partnering with CEA CAPA on a new destination or program? 向你的 CEA CAPA机构区域主任 今天. 

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